Clairmont Presbyterian is a church that is called to know
Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to make Him known to others.
We believe
that there is one God who has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God created all things, rules all things and will bring all things to their consummation. It is our joy and duty to worship, obey and serve the Lord.
in Jesus Christ as God’s own revelation of Himself. He is the only Son of God and the only Savior of humanity. He is the Lord of our lives, the church and all creation. Our church family exists to know Jesus Christ and to make Him known.
in the Holy Spirit as God at work to bring lost people home, to assure us of our identity as God’s children, to lead us into God’s truth, and to empower us with gifts to do God’s work.
that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are God’s Holy Word to all people and our ultimate authority for faith and life. The Bible reveals to us the absolute truth about God, humanity and all things necessary for our life and salvation.
that people are created in the image of God, but because of our sin that image is broken. The Good News is that as we turn to Christ, He breaks the power of sin and death, restores the image of God in us, liberates us to be the people whom God originally created us to be, gives us a mission in life and prepares us for eternal life with God.
that all people are called to be disciples of Jesus and missionaries His Gospel. Whether we are talking to our neighbors about Jesus, singing praises in worship or serving the poor in our community, our whole reason for existence is to carry forward Christ’s mission in word and deed.
Because of these truths the Clairmont Presbyterian Family:
Worships, proclaims and serves our Lord Jesus Christ as our highest calling and greatest joy in life
Calls every member to be a fully committed disciple of Jesus Christ in word and deed
Shares Jesus Christ so that all people might know Him as Savior and Lord
Cultivates the joyful life of Christ in the children and youth of our community
Serves as witness to God’s work of reconciliation, mercy and justice in our world
Gathers people from every generation to know, love and serve the Lord Jesus Christ
Our Mission
To know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to make Him known to others.
Our Vision
To be a family of God where people BELONG to God and one another, GROW as disciples of Jesus, and SERVE the community where God has placed us.
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